Most of the information in our website is in Norwegian. Thus, the following page will only give you some brief important information. Please, do not hesitate to contact us about any matter! E-mail us: or call us: (00 47) 57 86 80 40. We are looking foreward to hear from you!
Nordfjord is the name of a landscape consisting of seven municipalities sorrounding one of Norway´s longest fjords, Nordfjorden. In Gloppen municipality on the southern shore, Nordfjord folk high school was established in 1923. The landscape of glittering fjords, towering mountains, blue glaciers and green valleys is perfect for outdoors and adventures. In 1978, outdoors were introduced as elective subjects. In 2000 the entire school was transformed into an outdoor school (no.: «friluftslivskule»). Today, we offer ten different exiting outdoor programs. We hope some of this will suite your dreams and aspirations!
Folk high school
The term «folk high school» is a literal translation of the Norwegian word «folkehøgskole». However, this translation may give you the wrong idea. Folk high schools are not «high schools» in the sense of upper secondary school institutions designed to prepare students for college or work through exams. Folk high schools are separate from the rest of Norway’s educational system. Students can be any age and can have any level of educational experience. Indeed, these are schools for all people, all «folk». However, almost all students who attend folk high schools are young adults between the ages of 18 and 25. And in most of the schools, you have to be 18 years old before you start. You will find much more general information about folk high school at this webpage:
Although a lot og nights are spend outside, in tents, lavvos, igloos or cabins, most nights are spent in your boarding. Most students live in double rooms together with a room mate. It is also possible to choose single rooms with additional payment if there are any rooms available.
Nordfjord folk high school is owned by the Christian international mission organisation Normisjon, and the school is based on Christian values. More information about Normisjon is found here: You will of course be met and respected for who you are, whatever believes and values you bring in to our community.
Norwegian language
Although most instructions and classes will be given in Norwegian, we warmly welcome non-Norwegian speakers to the school. Most students and staff speak English quite well, and we will be able to give you information in English during the year. We will offer you a Norwegian class starting up some weeks after the school starts, and we also suggest that you are a little bit prepared before arriving.
How to apply?
Please, click this link to fill in your application: application form We start admitting Norwegian students on February 1st. Students are admitted until the school is filled up or until the beginning of the school year. However, if you are a student from outside the European Union (EU), we will accept an earlier application and give you an answer within a few weeks. Then you also have to apply for a residence permit. This can take up to several months. The application form for residency is found here:
Photos and film clips
Since much of the information on this site is in Norwegian, it might be a good idea to watch some film clips and photos from the students to get an impression of what we are doing at Nordfjord folk high school. We hope you´ll enjoy our YouTube-channel: friluftslivskulen.
It is also a good idea to follow us on Instagram, #nordfjordfhs
For parents/guardians of our students 2023-2024
Here is some information regarding the last school days in May 2024: Info here!